Points of Interest
Nov. 18-Dec 3: Somerset Elementary Fundraiser
Nov. 22 Thanksgiving Lunch
Nov. 26 Magic of Science Assemblies
Nov. 27 Kindergarten Balloon Parade for Students
Nov. 28-Dec. 2 no school
Dec. 3-fundraiser ends
Dec. 4 Grade 3 Music Concert 6:30
Dec. 5 Kindergarten Music Concert 2:00 and 6:00
Dec. 5 1st Grade Music Concert 3:00 and 7:00
Dec. 9 SHS Drama Club performance
Dec. 9 Grade 2 Music Concert 3:00 and 6:00
Dec. 18 SHS singers and Band performance in auditorium
Dec. 18 3:30-5:30 Fundraiser Pickup: Enter through the west doors to pick up orders. (handicapped entrance where students enter in the morning)
Dec. 20 2-hour early out and the end of 2nd grading period
Dec. 21-Jan 3 Winter Break
Jan. 6 School Resumes
Somerset Elementary Student Handbook
Arrival and Dismissal Information
24-25 Somerset Elementary School Supply List
Somerset Elementary Rules and Expectations
Lunch and School Fee Payments
We’re excited to introduce PaySchools Central, Northern Local School District’s new online portal for school lunch and fee payment! PaySchools Central provides all parents in our district with an easy way to pay for nearly every school expense online or with a convenient mobile app. Click the a button below take advantage of these options.